Monday 7 May 2012

What's Your Occupy Movement?

As I have said in earlier blogs, what started as me recording my efforts to follow a plant-based diet has evolved into a platform for me to talk about all subjects that affect our future as a species. I think it would be naïve of me to not include the recent coverage of the Occupy Movement in that. In recent months, the Occupy Movement has taken up a lot of column inches, but the most poignant for me is a photo essay by Tom Campbell in The Big Issue. Rather than focus on the political aspects of the movement or it’s ramifications on recent history, Campbell chose instead to base his essay around a series of portraits of some of the individuals involved.

The portraits are a stunning collection of art. I have scanned a couple onto this blog, but my meagre attempts at reproduction do not do the artist justice.

It has been said that a picture speaks a thousand words, and Campbell’s photos are definitely proof of that. Even if you don’t read the accompanying text, by looking at the photos you begin to see the story of the subjects, and the passion with which they live their lives. These people have built a community, and it is a community that will stay strong and continue no matter how many times they are evicted and moved on.

When it comes to my personal opinion of things such as the Occupy Movement, some people would describe me as being ‘sat on the fence’, but I see it more as being open-minded. In any debate, I always try to see things from the viewpoint of every side and understand where they are coming from and why. With campaigns and demonstrations such as the Occupy Movement, regardless of what the outcome is and how much they achieve towards making the world a ‘better’ place, I think the important thing is that someone is doing something. It makes me question why more people don’t stand by what they believe in, and why they don’t share their views. When I first turned vegetarian, for me it was a private thing and I disliked other vegetarians who were trying to convert the world. My opinion was that it was everyone’s choice what they ate. Now that I eat a plant-based diet, and I understand the importance of everyone following a more planet friendly lifestyle to preserve our species, I shout about it much more, hence this blog. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still not trying to convert the world, I just want everyone to be more educated about the issues that are important to us. We don’t all have to drastically change our lives, but if reading this blog helps one person to make one small step in the right direction then it is worth it.

What the Occupy Movement is showing us is that we don’t have to just sit back and accept the norm. Just because we live in a world that is controlled by big business and leaders, it does not mean that it always has to be like that. In the same way, just because we have been told in the West that eating meat is good for us, it doesn’t mean that we can’t change. After all, before Christopher Columbus came along, everyone knew that the Earth was flat. The greatest gift we have as humans is education. We all need to listen to each other, learn from each other and absorb as much as possible. As the Occupy Movement has shown, if we’re stronger together then we don’t need leaders. Maybe if we were all more open with our own beliefs, we would find it easier to be accepting of other people’s.

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